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Sunday, March 10, 2013

Nothing Is Too Much For The Lord

I'm Janese Shaw.

I still get a good laugh every time I think about playing the trumpet in Nauvoo this summer! The trumpet and I go way back, like to when I was twelve. This instrument saw me through all of my awkward years of bad haircuts and braces. I put it away when I turned 17 and thought I'd never return. I have been pursuing my degree in music education at Southern Utah University with an emphasis in voice, so I was a little surprised when things worked out the way they did. I'm sure that, like everything in life, there is a purpose. I'm just going to have to re-enter my awkward stage to figure out what it is!

Needless to say, my audition process was a miracle. Naturally, as a singer, I applied as a stage performer, but as luck (or you know) would have it I had just taken up the trumpet again that semester as part of the SUU Athletic band. Since I was playing again, I didn't think twice when adding trumpet to the list of instruments I played.

A few weeks later, I was notified that I didn't make it as a stage performer, but that if I were interested in playing the trumpet I should contact Elder Brague. I thought, "Nice sentiment," and didn't contact anyone.

About a week later I got a voice mail from Elder Brague saying he'd really like for me to come up and audition so I called him back to say "No." Somehow, "No" turned into, "I'd love to do it. I don't know if my skills are up to par, but I'll put my whole heart into it and give you the best I've got." I wanted to die after hanging up the phone. Seriously, Janese? You're going to take something else on? I was about to take on a 19 credit semester and was in the middle of rehearsing a major opera, and I was going to make time to play the trumpet? Okay. Whatever.

I practiced my little heart out over Christmas break on the opera and my trumpet. No matter how many hours I gave the latter, I was totally insecure coming into auditions. I could go into everything that happened audition day, but I honestly don't recall except that I played better than I ever had before. I wasn't able to muster much skill, but the air was flowing and I could feel it! It was a great feeling, and I decided that whether they chose me or not didn't matter, (because I seriously understood why they wouldn't choose me!) it was an excellent opportunity to for me to break out of my comfort zone and prove to myself that I can do hard things.

Unlike most other YPMs, when I got the call from Elder Brague letting me know they wanted me to come to Nauvoo, I about died (in a bad way). Again instead of hearing the words "No, this is too much." come out of my mouth, I heard "Great! I know it will be a lot of work, but I'm here for you."

So here I am. I just finished a major production of Don Giovanni, I am making it through a crazy semester, I am practicing my trumpet as best I can and I am preparing for a mission!

1 comment:

  1. And you are making a difference there. You are a blessing! What an inspirational story. Jeralyn
