Although we as a band attended the Trail of Hope vignettes
quite a while ago, I still wanted to share some of the sacred feelings I had.
It was an incredible experience to walk the same path that the early Saints did
at the time of their departure from Nauvoo, and consider their magnanimous
faith. Though they left behind everything they had, they still trusted in their
God to guide them to a better life. I have a greater desire to face my trials
and unknowns with faith because of the experience: as I stared into the water
of the river that they crossed, I could not help but feel gratitude for the
trust which I can have in God, and renewed desire to go forward believing. I
wrote a poem about the experience:
They walked here.
They left
lives and memories, homes and plans
In God's hands. They found strength
in the light which flowed
toward them from
the Temple
Where they had come to know God.
They left it
trusting they would come
to know Him
as He walked with them
down that old, old path
of Parley Street.
They didn't leave
behind all they had;
they embraced it.
All they had was hope
for peace through Christ.
Their hope
pulled their burdened handcarts,
lifted their weary feet,
and made the air with music ring
as they faced
the obsidian river.
Their hope
flowed from the Temple
to light the trail.
Their hope
flows from the temple still
to touch the hearts of present saints
who make the opposite journey:
toward the Temple;
who face obsidian rivers
hand in hand with Him
who walks with us
on Parley Street.
The gospel was and still is worth the sacrifice.
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